Friday, December 18, 2015

...for semi successful advent activities, a half blinking Christmas tree, Celine Dion being able to automatically putting me in the Christmas spirit,  and eating all the cookies from the cookie exchange before the kids wake up from nap.   AmIright?!

For a quick look into how life is going at Casa de Copeland currently, let me paint a little picture of our Thursday evening...

While preparing our four course meal complete with homemade bread heating up frozen turkey burgers, ranch style beans, and cooking some rice, the boys were actually getting along!  Gage had only eaten a tiny bit of play-doh (win) and Jackson was at least wearing underwear (double win) so we were all in all having a pretty successful evening.  I could hear the fire sirens going on/off for quite a while and thought "dang, those guys are exceptionally busy tonight."  We continued on with our Christmas music jam session, when the sirens got really close sounding.  As I walked into the living room and could see the lights through the blinds I knew EXACTLY what was going on.  Each year our town's fire department drives around with Santa, while playing Christmas songs, and handing out candy canes.  In a panic I holler "JACKSON!! IT'S SANTA! SANTA IS HERE!"  Imagine Will Ferrell in Elf, but with a messy bun, no shoes, and looking a straight HOT MESS.

You guys should have seen it, Jackson and Gage are starting to freak out because Santa is literally right outside and all I can get out  is "We have to hurry! We're going to miss Santa! WHERE ARE YOUR CLOOOOOTHES??!"  You fellow moms can imagine the state of my house at this point of the day. I'm cooking so obviously the kids can make as big of a mess they want as long as they stay the h-e-double hockey sticks out of the kitchen.  I channeled my inner Bradley Anderle and was hurdling toys like a pro!  For those of you who don't know, Bradley is a friend from high school who was basically a badass at everything but especially running hurdles. I put him to shame with my skills on this night.

I somehow found J some pants, a semi matching shirt, and grabbed his boots.  Unfortunately, Gage wasn't so lucky and braved the outside sans zapatos.  I barely even got mine on.  Luckily, we got out just in time!! The boys were so pumped and Jackson rattled off his list of "must haves" (which consists solely of a Chase police backpack, with a light, a mega phone, and a net) to the big guy.  We got our candy canes and watched Santa visit with the sweet little girl next door, and because I am who I am, this is when I remembered I hadn't taken a picture.

Lets have a comparison shall we...

Last year, we were prepared with our hat, cute winter jacket, and a letter.  This year we're lucky we even had pants on.   I can't help but laugh when I think about how tonight went and I'm so glad the boys got to see Santa.  Here's to hoping I can use this little visit as ammo in the next week when one (or both because it's never just one of them) of the boys is on the verge of a tantrum!

Cheers, friends :)

P.S.  Don't you just love our wonderful trash can making its photo bombing debut as well.  #classy

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