Tuesday, May 19, 2015

What I'm Reading

There's just something about a new stack of books that makes me happy.  Right out of high school I worked at the library in my hometown and loved every minute of it.  I loved being surrounded by books, and my lists of "To Read" grew longer each day. It takes a little longer for me to get a book read these days, but I still try to keep up with reading something fairly regularly.  Right now this is the stack on my side table.  (Because I feel like quite the rambler sometimes, I'll link to the Amazon page so you can read a "real" summary of each book after I give my schpeel).

Tattoos on the Heart: The Power of Boundless Compassion- Gregory Boyle
  This is my current read.  My sweet sisler (sister-in-law), Jessica, let me borrow this.  I am LOVING it.  Its one of those books that makes you stop and think about how we should look and treat those around us.  Every person is valuable in God's eyes no matter where they come from and what kind of life they have led in the past. 

The Joy of Less, A Minimalist Living Guide- Francine Jay
  Y'all.  This book is a game changer.  I'm reading it for a THIRD time and still can't get enough.  The freedom from "stuff" this book has given me is out. of. control.  I have gone on a rampage in every crevice in our 1200 sq ft home and still feel like there are many things I can pass along to someone else who might need them more.  I think the key thing that made this book different than any other "organization" book was that she really puts things into perspective, and helps you realize that if you don't love something in your home then you don't need that "thing".  Get it. Read it. Change your life!  (cue the rambling mentioned above) :)

Hail, Holy Queen: The Mother of God in the Word of God-  Scott Hahn
  One of my resolutions for this year is to read more spiritual/thought provoking books.  Hail, Holy Queen has been on my "to read" list forever so when I saw it sitting on my MIL's bookshelf I snatched it up!  I really like what I've read from Mr. Hahn in the past and I'm sure this will be no different. I'll let you know what I think when I finish this gem.

A Million Little Ways, Uncover the Art You Were Made to Live- Emily P. Freeman
  I am so excited about this one.  I was partnered up with a sweet mama named Amy thanks to a wonderful organization called Thrive Moms.  (I highly recommend you check them out.  They have some of the most inspirational emails and IG posts.)  Amy and I sent each other a little care package that we put together once reading the other's responses to a quick questionnaire.  Amy hit it out of the park with the treats she sent me!  In the package was this book which is one of her favs. I can NOT wait to dive in!  You can check out Emily's blog at Chatting at the Sky and Amy's at Joy Unbundled.

Carry On, Warrior: The Power of Embracing Your Messy, Beautiful Life- Glennon Doyle Melton
  Another loaner from my sisler, Jessica.  Pumped about this little guy, as well.  I frequent Glennon's website, Momastery, so I know I'm going to enjoy her book.

I'm not sure how long it will take me to get these under my belt, but by golly I'm gonna do it.  Sometimes a good book does so much good for the soul, and I'm sure that a least a few of these will fill me up.  I might, however, have to add a few more fiction options in the mix next time.  Mama likes to laugh!

What are some of your currents book favs?

Do you buy most of your books, or check out from the library?
  I like to visit the library before buying.  Gotta save that cheddar!  (cheddar is "cool people lingo" for money.  Trying to tell myself I'm still cool!)

love love,
Kaylee :)


  1. Ugh, I had a long comment and it disappeared. I love books. More fiction than nonfiction. Just finished the latest book in the Outlander series.

  2. How was the series Nicole? Looking for a good fiction book to start next!
